Family location-tracking app Life360 will occasionally stop working when in use. Why does that happen and what can you do to fix it when it does?

Life360 is location-based tracking service for families. It's meant to help its users share their locations with each other. It can also help facilitate group message features and allow users to call for roadside assistance should the need arise. But sometimes it can mess up a bit and simply stop working. When you rely on it for important information and mechanics, what can you do to get it working again? More importantly, why does Life360 stop working now and then?

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If you rely on Life360 as a parent to see where your kids currently are (probably right there at home with you right now) it can be disheartening that the app just decides it's going to stop updating seemingly at random. Luckily, the fix isn't reserved for only the technologically-inclined or people with hours on their hands. Here are some ways you can go about getting the app to work once more that aren't too difficult to try, and that way you'll be back in business in no time.

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Why did Life360 just stop working all of a sudden?

If Life360 has just stopped working all of a sudden, don't panic. You're not going to suddenly lose track of where your kids and family members went. If the app has crashed, try a simple restart on your device first. That will fix 90 percent of the issues you experience with Life360 and can get you back on the road to normalcy in no time. But if it's an issue with someone whose location has stopped updating, the fix is a bit more involved, according to Life360 support

There are a few reasons that Life360 could have stopped working. Your family member might have closed out Life360 as an active app, which is easy to do if you go through and close out apps all at once. Their battery may be less than 20%, or they may have entered an area where the network connectivity is poor. With two bars of signal or less, Life360 will not function correctly. These are all important things to check before you start freaking out. Chances are, these things will fix your issue. 

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If these problem-solving suggestions still haven't kept Life360 from being unresponsive, it's possible the person you're trying to track may have their mobile device in Airplane mode or are on a VPN or mobile hotspot. This might take a little more doing. Check out the troubleshooting steps Life360 has laid out in its official FAQ on the Life360 page and make sure the app is updated to its latest version. 

Whatever the issue happens to be, it shouldn't take too long to resolve, and you'll be able to resume tracking where your loved ones are, making dinner plans, and chatting in your group chat. If all else fails, be sure to get in touch with Life360's customer service support to make sure you're in charge of the situation. You'll come out on top with professional help from the folks who designed the app. 
