She’s got it, and she’s not afraid to flaunt it!
Soleil Moon Frye is still kicking butt in her weight loss journey and opted to celebrate her latest feat by showing off her toned body in a bikini photo shoot. With the help of Nutrisystem, Frye accomplished her long-held goal of slipping into a bikini after 40 pounds.
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Following the birth of her son Lyric Sonny Roads Goldberg, in February 2014, Frye, 38, wanted to shed the baby weight. “I think four times in one week people were asking, ‘When are you due?'” the Nutrisystem ambassador and mom of three told Us in January.
She can wear a barely there bikini with confidence now, but it took awhile to get to that place. “I remember being over a specific number and saying, ‘Okay, just get down five.’ When I was there, it was like ‘Okay, now five more,'” she said.
On top of maintaining her trim physique, the Sabrina, the Teenage Witch alum has yet another goal in mind: “I want to encourage moms to feel good about themselves,” she said. “I think it’s important to empower ourselves. We have kids and we love our kids, but we still have ourselves.”