John Ryan, a teacher at Hesperia High School, was recently taken into custody after he was accused of accessing and downloading child p*rnographic content online. According to cops, they are yet to find evidence regarding Ryan misbehaving with the students at the school. School authorities also revealed that the allegations have got nothing to do with the students of the school.

Trigger warning: The article contains references to child p*rnography. Readers’ discretion is advised.

He currently faces charges of felony possession of child p*rnography and has been booked into High Desert Detention Center. The case is further being investigated by the authorities. The suspect has been a resident of Victorville.

Several law enforcement agencies have been investigating the allegations before they discovered the suspect as John Ryan. A hefty sum has also been set as his bail amount. Authorities have sought help from the public to help them in further investigation as well.

Ryan is currently held into High Desert Detention Center, (Image via NiQole/Twitter)

Hesperia High School teacher John Ryan has been arrested for allegedly downloading child p*rnography

On Tuesday, July 11, 2023, at around 8.30 am local time, authorities came to a conclusion of an investigation that was conducted to find out the suspect who allegedly downloaded disturbing material from the Internet.

They identified the suspect as 42-year-old John Ryan. According to Hesperia Unified School District Superintendent David Olney:

“We are still gathering information and cooperating fully with law enforcement. We will continue to keep student safety and well-being as our top priority.”

On Tuesday, cops identified the suspect as John Ryan, 42, and took him into custody from the 15400 Block of Nisqualli Road in Victorville. The same has been confirmed by Bernardino County Sheriff’s officials. The suspect further faces charges related to accessing child p*rnography. His bail has been set at $50,000.

Olney has additionally mentioned that the charges have got nothing to do with any student at Hesperia High School. The suspect’s employment status has also not been shared publicly.

Authorities have urged the public to provide them with assistance in the case

The case has been investigated by several law enforcement agencies, including the police department in Victorville and San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department Specialized Investigations Division- Crimes Against Children Detail.

Authorities are currently looking into the matter, (Image via @draintheswamps7/Twitter)

Law enforcement officials have also urged the public to reach out to the Victorville Sheriff’s Station or Sheriff’s Dispatch if they have additional information regarding the incident.

They have also confirmed that people can choose to be anonymous while offering tips to the authorities. Authorities are still investigating the case to uncover additional details about the alleged incident.

This arrest came just a day after Jared Lemon, a Capitol Police Officer, got arrested on July 10 for allegedly possessing child p*rnography on his electronic devices.

The officer was arrested after Maryland State Police began investigating the same, and received a tip about an online user who allegedly uploaded disturbing content. The user was later identified as Jared Lemon. Like John Ryan, Lemon too was charged with possession of child p*rnography.

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