Sarah Hyland and Mark Stark's on-air feud left contestants and fans gasping in shock and bewilderment. When she told Kennan Anunay to pack his bags, his love match, Vickala Gray, told Anunay she couldn't stay without him, and despite his hushed protests, encouraging her to remain, Gray determined she would be waving goodbye along with him.

"Before you go anywhere, I want to make sure that you are absolutely happy with your decision," Hyland told Gray. "No regrets," she assured her. Stark was troubled by the news but appeared mainly concerned with Hyland questioning Gray about her decision to leave. He verbally lashed out, accusing Hyland of sounding "mad disrespectful." A brief back and forth between the two ensured, ending with Hyland dismissing the issue as "Boys will be boys."

Twitter was ablaze as fans quickly jumped to the star's defense. "Sarah Hyland is bigger than me because I couldn't have stopped myself from making a smart-a** comment at Mike getting dumped after he chirped at me," one wrote. ​​"Mike calling Sarah Hyland disrespectful for doing her job is crazy. The way these men have been talking to her this season is not it. That would not fly [on the UK version of the show]. Peacock should kick them off just for that," another fan opined.
